Update on my precious Nesta

I have managed to be at home with Nesta all week, until today.  I must go into work for a few hours tonight.  I hate this because we are really coming down to the wire here.  He is not well.  In every sense of the word – he is miserable.  There is not quality left to his life at this time, other than receiving infinite love and affection from me, and Kyle.  When Kyle comes home from work to check on us, he wags his tail, but does not get up.  He has not eaten a single thing that I have offered him.  He is nauseous, constantly smacking his lips and drooling and turning side to side.  He will not lay on any of his beds, we have one in every room practically.  We have managed to get him outside once this afternoon, and he does it just to please us.  He does not pee, he only just plops down in the grass.

It’s going to be a surreal night at work, I’m so upset I have to go in.  But maybe it will be good for me to see the world for a little bit today.   I have not called to make the appointment for tomorrow yet, but I guess I need to go and do that now.  Please pray for him tonight – pray that he is able to hang in there for one more night, until tomorrow when he will have that wonderful opportunity to transcend this life into another.   Pray there is no crisis between now and then.



11 thoughts on “Update on my precious Nesta”

  1. Ohh yes, we are holdng you tightly and wn’t let go. We are here.

    Maybe your vet can give you some advice for over night…maybe so ething for nausea..or maybe some more tramadol. He may already be on both, I can’t remember. Let him know the color of his gums..they may be helpful

    This part of the journey s the hardest. You nave..and are…doing the best for Sir Nesta and he knows it.

    All tne tripawd guardogian angels are watching over him and will keep him safe tonight.

    Gosh, I feel so utterly and completely helpless for you right now. You and Kyle stay strong for Nesta. You nave the courage and love necessary to see her though this transistion.

    I’m gettnt ready to go t work now too. But I’m usualy on here late at night and there’s always smeone in te chat room too.

    Sending you all the love and calm and a “knowing” that all will work out okay for Sir Nesta. The fact that he gives Kyle a tail wag is still good!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Kassi,
    I am so sorry. It does sound like Sir Nesta is having a lot of problems. I hope your last evening/day together will be a good one. I am praying that nothing happens that leads to an emergency.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing when you head in to work, but I had such terrible anxiety when I had to go back in to work, I used an app and my computer to monitor Barret at home.

    I wrote about it here if you’re interesting in trying. Setting it up was easy, remembering not to panic at every little movement was not 🙂


  4. Kassi-
    We are here for you no matter what. Sending all our strength to Nesta to help him hold on so you can have a peaceful good bye/see you later.

    Hugs to you-
    Luanne & Spirit Shooter

  5. Kassi, it breaks our heart to know that you and Nesta are at this point in the journey. Please know you are not alone, you have all the love of the Tripawds Nation coming your way so that you may both find peace and comfort during this ruff time. I’m just so sorry you are going through this. Please call if you want to talk (our tel # is in the Gear blog Shop Page).

    Hugs and lotsa love to you and Nesta.

  6. Sending more hugs, love, and peaceful thoughts to you and Nesta. I’m so very sorry you are going through this, but Nesta is very lucky to be held in such loving hearts.
    We are all with you in ours.
    -Liz and Angel Roxie

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